A guide to useful Spanish words, terms and phrases relating to building a house or apartment in Spain.
Know the English, need the Spanish word?
Here is a guide to some handy terminology and words used in context with building, DIY, home renovation and property in Spain...
Building and renovation words and terms are listed alphabetically in English.
Click the letter to go to that section of the alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U V W Z Top
English | Spanish |
A | |
Acacia | Falsa acacia (f) |
Acidproof | Inatacable por los acidos |
Acceptance | Recepción de la obra (m) |
Accident | Accidente (m) |
Abstract of title | Extracto del registro de la propiedad (m) |
Adhesive | Adherente, adhesivo |
Adobe | Arcilla (m), barro (m) |
Aged | Envejecido |
Air compressor | Compresor de aire (m) |
Air condition | Aire acondicionado (m) |
Air film | Cámara de aire (f) |
Alarm | Alarma (m) |
Aluminium | Aluminio (m) |
Aluminous cement | Cemento aluminoso (m) |
Aluminium foil | Lámina de aluminio (m) |
Anchor | Ancla (m) |
Anchorage | Anclaje (m) |
Anchor bolt | Perno de anclaje (m), barra de anclaje (m) |
Angle grinder | Amoladora (f) |
Anhydrite screed | Pavimento de anhídrido |
Apertura | Abertura (f) |
Asbestos | Amianto (m) |
Arch | Apeo (m) (construcción), arco (m) |
Arch falsework | Encofrado del arco (m) |
Arrears of rent | Alquiler atrasado (m) |
Artificial resin | Resina artificial (f) |
Ash | Fresno (m) |
Asphalt | Asfalto (m) |
Assail | Derrumbar |
Axe | Hacha (f) |
Axis | Eje (m) |
Click the letter to go to that section of the alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U V W Z Top |
B | |
Backer | Promotor de un negocio (m) |
Band saw | Sierra continua (f), Sierra de cinta (f) |
Beam | Viga (f) |
Bearer | Portador (m), soporte (m) |
Bearing capacity | Capacidad de carga (f) |
Bending moment | Momento flector (m) |
Bevel | Biselar |
Birch | Abedul (m) |
Bitumen | Betún (m) |
Block concrete | Bloque de hormigón (m) |
Blow lamp | Lámpara de soldar (f) |
Boiler | Caldera (f) |
Bolt | Perno (m) |
Bore to | Perforar |
Brick | Ladrillo (m) |
Brick work | Mampostería (f) |
Brim | Borde (m) |
Brush | Cepillo (m) |
Builder | Constructor (m) |
Built in cupboard | Armario (f) empotrado |
Building | Construcción (f) |
Building licence | Licencia de obra (f) |
Building owner | Propietario (m) |
Building lot | Obra (f) |
Building regulations | Normativa constructiva (f) |
Building site | Solar (m) |
Building surveyor | Perito (m) |
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C | |
Cable | Cable (m) |
Carcass | Cuerpo del edificio (m) |
Carpenter | Carpintero (m) |
Carport | Garage (m) |
Casement window | Ventana abatible (f) |
Cast | Gips |
Ceiling | Techo (m) |
Ceiling borrad | Losa del techo (m) |
Cellar | Sótano (m) |
Cement | Cemento (m) |
Cement mortar | Mortero de cemento (m) |
Cement plaster | Enfoscado de cemento (m) |
Cement screed | Pavimento de cemento (m) |
Center | Centro (m) |
Ceramics | Productos cerámicos (m) |
Certified | Homologado |
Cesspit | Pozo negro (m), sumidero (m) |
Chipboard | Tabla de madera aglomerada (f) |
Clay | Barro (m) |
Collapse | Desplome (m) |
Column | Pilar (m) |
Concrete | Hormigón (m) |
Concrete pump | Bomba de hormigón (f) |
Concrete wall | Muro de hormigón (m) |
Copper pipe | Tubos de cobre (m) |
Cornice | Moldura del techo (f) |
Corrosion | Corrosión (f) |
Crack | Grieta (f) |
Custom made | Hecho al encargo |
Chlor | Cloro (m) |
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D | |
Damp | Vapor (m) |
Day work | Trabajo por jornada (m) |
Working days | Días laborables (f) |
Discount | Descuento (m) |
DIY | Bricolage (m) |
Door finge | Bisagra de puerta (f) |
Doorcasing | Marco de puerta (m) |
Door handel | Pomo de puerta (m) |
Dormer window | Buhardilla (f) |
Double glazing | Acristalamiento doble (m) |
Drain pipe | Desagüe (m) |
Draughtiness | Corrientes de aire (f) |
Dry rot | Moho (m) |
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E | |
Earth plug | Clavija de tierra (f) |
Eaves gutter | Gotera (m) |
Electric meter | Contador de la luz (m) |
Electricity supply | Distribución de energía (m) |
Estimate | Presupuesto (m) |
Expansion joint | Junta flexible (f) |
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F | |
False ceiling | Falso techo (m) |
Fanlight | Claro (m) |
Feed valve | Válvula de alimentación (f) |
Fence | Valla (f) |
Fencing wire mesh | Alambrada (f) |
Fibre glass | Fibra de vidrio (f) |
Fir | Abeto rojo (m) |
Fire extinguisher | Extintor de fuego (m) |
Fire Proof | Inflamable |
First floor | Primera planta (f) |
Fit out | Amueblar |
Fix | Arreglar, apañar |
Fixed glazing | Acristalamiento fijo (m) |
Fixed price | Precio fijo (m) |
Flat | Piso (m) |
Floating screed | Pavimento flotante (m) |
Floor | Piso (m) |
Foreman | Encargado (m) |
Formwork | Encofrado (m) |
Formwork for floor slab | Encofrado del forjado (m) |
Foundation | Cimentación (f) |
Frame | Marco (m) |
French window | Puerta del balcón (f) |
Furniture | Muebles (m) |
Fuse | Fusible (m) |
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G | |
Gable roof | Tejado a dos aguas (m) |
Gasket | Anillo de junta (m) |
Gas meter | Contador de gas (m) |
Glass blocks | Pavés, ladrillo de vidrio (m) |
Glass door | Puerta acristalada (f) |
Gravel | Grava (m) |
Gloss | Brilliante |
Glue | Adhesivo (m) |
Ground floor | Planta baja (f) |
Ground plan | Plano (m) |
Groundwater | Agua subterránea (m) |
Gunite | Gunita (f) |
Gutter | Canalón (m) |
Click the letter to go to that section of the alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U V W Z Top |
H | |
Hacksaw | Sierra para metales (f) |
Hammer | Martillo (m) |
Handle | Mango (m) |
Handrail | Pasamanos (m), barandilla (f) |
Hardboard | Tabla de fibra dura (f) |
Hard wood | Madera dura (f) |
Heating | Calefacción (f) |
Heat protection | Protección contra el calor (f) |
Hedge | Seto (m) |
Hinge | Bisagra (m) |
Hire | Alquiler (m) |
Hose pipe | Mangera de riego (m) |
Hob | Encimera (f) |
Housing estate | Urbanización (f) |
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I | |
Improved land | Suelo urbanizado (m) |
Income tax | Impuesto sobre la renta (m) |
In-situ concrete | Hormigón in situ (m) |
Installation engineering | La técnica de la instalación (f) |
In stock | Disponible |
Insulation | Aislamiento (m) |
Interior design | Interiorismo (m) |
Interior fittings | Terminación interior (f) |
Invoice | Factura (f) |
Iron | Hierro (m) |
Iron monger | Ferretería (f) |
Irrigation | Riego (m) |
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J | |
Jigsaw | Sierra de contornear (f) |
Joiner | Carpintero (m) |
Joint | Junta (f) |
Joist | Viga (f) |
Junction box (electrical) | Caja de derivación (f) |
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K | |
Key hole | Ranura de llave (f) |
Key project | Llave en mano (f) |
Kilogram | Kilogramo (m) |
Knifing filler | Masilla (f) |
Knob | Pomo (m) |
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L | |
Labour cost | Costes laborales (m) |
Ladder | Escala (f) |
Lag | Encofrado, revestimiento |
Land register | Catastro (m) |
Land registry | Registro (m) |
Landscaping | Arquitectura de jardines (f) |
Lasting | Vida útil (f) |
Layer | Capa (f) |
Lawn | Césped (m) |
Lead | Plomo (m) |
Leak | Fuga (f) |
Lease | Arrendamiento (m) |
Letter box | Buzon (m) |
Level | Nivel (m) |
(Not) level | No plano (m) |
Level to | Nivelar (m) |
License | Licencia (f) |
Light bulb | Bombilla (f) |
Lighting | Iluminación (f) |
Lime | Cal (f) |
Lime plaster | Enlucido de cal (m) |
Lintel | Dintel (m) |
Liter | Litro (m) |
Live load | Sobrecarga (f) |
Living area | Superficie habitable (f) |
Load-bearing beam | Viga maestra (f) |
Load-bearing wall | Muro de carga (m) |
Local council | Administración municipal (f) |
Lumber | Madera de construcción (f) |
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M | |
Mailing | Barandilla (f) |
Maintenance | Mantenimiento (m) |
Mains (water) | Conducción de agua (f) |
Manhole | Registro de hombre (m) |
Manhole cover | Tapa de canalización (f) |
Manually | A mano |
Moisture barrier | Barrera de humedad (f) |
Marble | Mármol (m) |
Margin of safety | Margen de seguridad (m) |
Mason | Albañil |
Masonry | Mampostería (f) |
Mass concrete | Hormigón en masa (m) |
Mastic | Masilla (f) |
Measurement | Medición (f) |
Mete to | Medir |
Mildew | Mildeu (m) |
Mineral wool | Fibra mineral (f) |
Mockup | Maqueta (m) |
Mortgage | Hipoteca (f) |
Mortar | Mortero (m) |
Mould | Moho (m) |
Multi-storey building | Edificio (m) |
Municipality | Administración municipal (f) |
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N | |
Nail | Clavo (m) |
To drive in a nail | Clavar un clavo |
To take out a nail | Arrancar un clavo |
Non-slip | Antiadherente |
Natural gas | Gas natural |
Natural stone cladding | Revestimiento con piedra natural (m) |
Notch | Ranura (f) |
Nut | Tuerca (f) |
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O | |
One-family house | Vivienda unifamiliar (f) |
Outskirts | Periferia (f) |
Overall thickness | Grosor total (m) |
Overhanging roof | Tejado con voladizo (m) |
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P | |
Padlock | Candado (m) |
Painter | Pintor (m) |
Partition wall | Tabique (m), muro divisorio (m) |
Partitioning | Tabiquería (f) |
Patio | Patio (m) |
Paving | Pavimento, revestimiento (m) |
Pelme | Cortina (f) |
Permanent formwork | Encofrado perdido (m) |
Pine | Pino (m) |
Pipe | Tubo, conducto (m) |
Plane | Cepillo de carpintero (m) |
Plank | Tablón (m) |
Plaster | Yeso (m) |
Plaster to | Enlucir |
Plasterboard | Balda de yeso (f) |
Plasterer | estuquista (m) |
Plate | Chapa (f) |
Pliers | Pinza (f) |
Plug | Enchufe, taco (m) |
Pluma to | Aplomar |
Plumber | Fontanero (m) |
Plumbing work | Instalación sanitaria (f) |
Ply wood | Madera contrachapada (f) |
Porch | Porche (m) |
Post | Poste (m) |
Power supply | Alimentación, toma de corriente (f) |
Prefab house | Casa prefabricada (f) |
Preservative | Conservante (m) |
Prop | Soporte (Andamio) (m) |
Property | Inmueble (m), finca (f) |
Property Law | Derecho inmobiliario (m) |
Property management | Administración de finca (f) |
Putty | Masilla (f) |
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Q | |
Quality control | Control de calidad (m) |
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R | |
Rafter roof | Cabrio (m) |
Reinforced | Reforzado |
Reinforced concrete | Hormigón armado (m) |
Reinforced concrete floor | Forjado de hormigón armado (m) |
Reinforcement | Armadura (f) |
Reinforcement bars | Barras de armadura (f) |
Reinforcement cage | Cesta de armadura (f) |
Removal | Mudanza (f) |
Render | Enfoscado (m) |
Repair to | Reparar |
Replacement | Repuesto (m) |
Restoration | Restauración (f) |
Retaining wall | Muro de contención (m) |
Ridge | Cumbrera (f) |
Ring beam | Zuncho (m) |
Roof | Techo (m) |
Roof arch | Bóveda (f) |
Roofed area | Superficie ocupada (f) |
Roof tile | Teja (f) |
Room | Habitación (f) |
Round | Redondo |
Rust | Óxido (m) |
Rust free | Inoxidable |
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S | |
Sampling | Coger probetas (f) |
Sand | Arena (f) |
Sand paper | Papel de lija (m) |
Safety fence | Valla de seguridad (f) |
Sandwich-type plaster borrad | Placas de cartón y yeso (f) |
Saw | Sierra (f) |
Scaffold | Andamio (m) |
Scarp | Barranco (m) |
Scraper | Espátula (f) |
Screed | Pavimento (m) |
Screw | Tornillo (m) |
Screwdriver | Atornillador (m) |
Semi-detached building | Vivienda unifamiliar pareada (f) |
Septic tank | Fosa séptica (f) |
Set to | Fraguar |
Setting time | Tiempo de fraguación (m) |
Sewage | Aguas cloacales (f) |
Sewage treatment | Tratamientos de las aguas cloacales (m) |
Sewer worker (person) | Pocero (m) |
Sheet of fabric | Mallazo (m) |
Shingle | Teja (f) |
Shore up to | Apuntalar, apoyar |
Short circuit | Cortocircuito (m) |
Shovel | Pala (f) |
Shut off valve | Válvula de cierre, válvula de detención (f) |
Shutter | Contraventa (f) |
Sill (door) | Umbral (f) |
Sill (window) | Repisa (f) |
Site agent | Aparejador (m) |
Sink (kitchen) | Fregadero (m) |
Sink: bathroom basin | Lavabo (m) |
Skidding joint | Junta de dilatación (f) |
Skirting board | Rodapié (m) |
Slate | Pizarra (f) |
sliding door | Puerta corredera(f) |
Smudge to | Manchar |
Soak-away | Excavación para drenaje de aguas (f) |
Slope | Inclinación (f) |
Socket | Enchufe (m) |
Soft underfoot conditions | Suelo blando (m) |
Soil | Suelo, terreno (m) |
Soil investigation | Estudio geotécnico (m) |
Solar heating | Calefacción solar (f) |
Solder to | Soldar (f) |
Sole plate | Losa de cimentación (f) |
Solid | Macizo |
Sound proof | Insonorizado |
Sound insulation | Aislamiento acústico |
Spacer | Separadores (m) |
Span | Anchura (f) |
Spiral stair | Escalera de caracol (f) |
Spirit level | Nivel de aguaa (m) |
Splayed | Biselado |
Spotlight | Foco (m) |
Spray gun | Pistola pulverizadora (f) |
Stainless steel | Acero inoxidable (m) |
Stair | Escalón, peldaño (m) |
Stairs | Escalera (f) |
Standstill | Parada (f) |
Steel | Acero (m) |
Steel structure | Estructura metálica (f) |
Steel joist | Viga de acero (f) |
Stepping foundation | Cimentación con desniveles (f) |
Stone | Piedra (f) |
stop valve | Grifo de parada (m) |
Storage | Almacenaje (m) |
Storey | Piso (m), planta (f) |
Store | Chimenea (f), estufa (f) |
Strip foundation | Cimentación corrida (f) |
Stucco | Estuco (m) |
Supervisor | Inspector (m) |
Survey of land | Medición del suelo (f) |
Supplier | Proveedor (m) |
Suspended ceiling | Falso techo (m) |
Swing door | Puerta de vaivén (f) |
Switch | Interruptor (m) |
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T | |
Tank | Depósito (m) |
Water tank | Depósito de agua (m) |
Tap | Grifo (m) |
Tar | Alquitrán (m) |
Tear down | Demoler |
Telephone line | Línea telefónica (f) |
Telltale | Contador de gas (m) |
Terrace house | Casa adosada (f) |
Tile (floor) | Baldosa (f) |
Tile (wall) | Azulejo (m) |
Tile (roof) | Teja (f) |
Timber | Madera para trabajar (f) |
Total charges | Coste total (m) |
Tread | Peldaño (m) |
Trellis work | Enrejado |
Turnkey | Con la llave en mano |
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U | |
Uncover | Descubrir |
Under floor heating | Calefacción de suelo (f) |
Undercoat | Capa de fondo (f) |
Unfurnished | No amueblado |
Uninhabited | No habitado |
Urban Planning Law | Derecho urbanistico (m) |
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V | |
Valve | Válvula (f) |
VAT | IVA (m) |
Ventilation | Ventilación (f) |
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W | |
Wall | Muro (m) |
Wall thickness | Grosor del muro (m) |
Wall lamp | Lampara en la pared (f) |
Waste | Desperdicios, residuos (m) |
Water meter | Contador de agua (m) |
Water supply | Toma de agua (m) |
White lime | Lechada de cal (m) |
Welding rod | Soldadura (f) |
Wheel barrow | Carretilla (f) |
Width | Anchura (f) |
Wholesaler | Vendedor al por mayor (m) |
Window | Ventana (f) |
Window grill | Rejas de la ventana (f) |
Window sill | Repisa (f) |
Wood | Madera (f) |
Wood casing | Moldura de mader(f) |
Worm eaten | Carcomido |
Wrench | Llave de tuercas (f) |
Wrought iron | Hierro forjado (m) |
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Z | |
Zoning ordinance | Plan de Urbanización (m) |
Zoning plan | Plan para el aprovechamiento del suelo (m) |
Zoning restrictions | Restricciones del planeamiento de la zona (f) |
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For a guide to words related to building property, construction and DIY see our Property words and phrases.