Parador de AlmagroParador de Almagro

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Location: Almagro, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha

Parador de Almagro - The Convent of San Francisco, built by the Dávila de la Cueva family in 1596, is located in a historical-artistic position of great interest, which offers the traveller the opportunity to discover the most beautiful parts of this town and the natural spaces surrounding it, among which stand out the Tablas de Daimiel. The inner rooms are welcoming with an elegant, peaceful air, with the 14 inner courtyards, the splendid garden and the swimming pool standing out from the ensemble. The bedrooms, installed in the former monastic cells, also offer peace and quiet. Beautiful galleries, wood and latticework complete the inner atmosphere. In the restaurant the traditional recipes of La Mancha are accompanied by Arabic influences, among which can be mentioned 'pisto manchego' (tomatoe-based ratatouille), 'migas' (fried breadcrumbs), the cod dishes 'mojete' and 'tiznao' and Almagro aubergines.